Instructional Video

The purpose of this week’s assignment was to create an instructional video intended for students, using iMovie. We formed teams in class and determined what grade level and content area we wanted to teach. My group consisted of myself, and three others: Janette, Jackie, and Michael. Our video production provides a lesson on the Earth’s 7 continents, 5 major oceans, and cardinal direction. The intended audience is a first grade classroom. If you would like to view our detailed planning process, click on this PITCH & STORYBOARD link.

Click HERE to watch our video and take a tour of the world!!

After you check out the video, test your knowledge and take this GOOGLE FORM we’ve created! 

Completion of this assignment helped to fulfill the ISTE Standards 2 and 3. Standard 2 is “Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments” and Standard 3 is Model Digital Age Work and Learning.” This assignment allowed us to utilize a variety of digital tools to create an interesting, relevant learning experience for students. We were able to customize our individual videos and create a personalized learning environment. Our team was able to collaborate effectively and work together to produce a product that demonstrated our fluent ability to use technology.

Reflective Learning

This week we were asked to reflect on the entire process of being introduced to WebQuests. The process of consisted of: researching different types of WebQuests, forming groups and developing our own WebQuests, and participating in each other’s WebQuests. Finally, we evaluated the work produced from our WebQuest and evaluated other student-created WebQuests.

1. Perceptions of the WebQuest activities:

I really enjoyed my WebQuest experience. After creating one, participating in several, and viewing many others, I can see how these would be a great learning tool to incorporate into the classroom. The WebQuests are fun and engaging, while allowing students to learn specific content. Teachers can utilize pre-made WebQuests that meet their standards and criteria, or, have the freedom to create their own.

2. Experiences, ideas, and observations:

While creating my own WebQuest, I realized that starting one from scratch does take a lot of time, effort and thought. It can be a little overwhelming coming up with a topic and then creating an entire web-based investigation that covers State standards. However, I found the templates on Google Drive to be very simple to use making the process much smoother. In addition, I found it very beneficial to look up published WebQuests that were similar to my topic and see how they constructed their assignment.

3. What was found confusing, interesting, difficult etc. and why:

The most difficult part of creating the WebQuest was determining how to “evaluate” my students. If this WebQuest was implemented in a normal classroom setting, students would be able to physically turn in completed worksheets, posters, or give presentations. Instead, we had to get creative and decide how to evaluate our students’ work using multiple online platforms. I found Google Forms to be an effective tool for assessing student knowledge. Some WebQuests I participated in had students create posters on Google Draw while others had students upload pictures of their work.

4. Questions:

Are WebQuests generally assigned as an “in-class” activity? (in the case that some students may not have computer access at home)

5. How I: solved a problem; reached a conclusion; found an answer; reached a point of understanding:

After facing the “evaluation” challenge, my group and I decided to brainstorm different ways we could test student knowledge and evaluate their success. For example, instead of printing out physical worksheets for students to complete, we decided to have students label parts of the heart in our online Google Form. We realized that students can be evaluated by uploading their work from places such as google draw, kahoot, google slides, etc.

6. Possibilities, speculations, hypotheses or solutions:

As a future educator, I will definitely incorporate WebQuests into my class activities. Next time, I will make a WebQuest that is designed for students to work in groups in order to promote team work and collaboration. I saw many WebQuests online that assigned different “roles” for students to take based on the theme and task.

7. Alternative interpretations or different perspectives on what you have read or done:

As with any teaching method, there’s always going to be pros and cons, and people who agree and disagree with methods you’ve chosen. While conducting my research on WebQuests prior to creating one, I found a few articles that posed an alternative view towards web-based learning activities such as WebQuests. Some arguments stated that WebQuests take up too much time for students and they can easily become a distraction. With the right “buy-in” and engagement factor, in combination with simple/concise instructions and working links, these potential problems can be avoided.

8. Comparisons and connections between what I am learning and: prior knowledge and experience; prior assumptions and preconceptions; what I know from other courses or disciplines:

In the beginning of our class we researched the ISTE standards which act as guide for educators to design, utilize, and incorporate different technologies within the classroom. While participating in the WebQuest activity, I felt as though I was meeting the second ISTE standard: “Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments.” This standard happened to the one I was least comfortable with, prior to starting this class, so I am very excited to be learning new skills and expanding my knowledge in this area.

9. How new ideas challenge what you already know:

I was somewhat familiar with the concept of a WebQuest prior to this activity, however, I didn’t know exactly what went into creating one and how diverse they can be. I knew that students are often asked to complete research activities online and answer questions, but I didn’t know that students can actually turn in work to be graded and evaluated through a multitude of platforms. WebQuests allow students to apply what they’ve learned and create items in Google Draw, Google Slides, Google Forms, etc. Students can draw a picture or create a model and upload it online. Students can participate in online games and quizzes that can all be used to assess their understanding of the material.

10. What I need to explore next in terms of thoughts and actions: 

Since I plan to teach science to middle schoolers, I would like to explore additional WebQuests within this subject area. WebQuests are designed for critical thinking, problem solving, and collaborative work, therefore, they are extremely beneficial for students learning science. I would like to see what other WebQuests educators have designed and how I can incorporate that into my lessons.


A WebQuest is a specific web-based learning activity that encourages students to utilize higher order thinking skills through collection of research, analyzation of information, and direct problem-solving. WebQuests are designed by teachers and can be completed by students individually or within small groups.  

This week my partners and I designed a WebQuest of our own! The WebQuest focuses on the human circulatory system and is intended for a 7th grade audience. Click the link below for an opportunity to participate in this fun WebQuest! 

Human Circulatory System WebQuest

Digital Citizenship

Nowadays, most students have instant access to technology whether it’s their own personal device, a shared device at home, or access through shared devices at school. Therefore, it’s important we teach our students the safe, responsible, and appropriate behaviors associated with using technology. It’s important our students practice Digital Citizenship. Digital Citizenship refers to someone who develops the necessary skills to effectively and responsibly participate in the digital world. Students should be made aware of the proper rules, norms, rights and responsibilities they have while using technology.

So, what does it take to be a good digital citizen?

Find out by clicking the image below for an informative presentation on the 9 Elements of Digital Citizenship! 

Screen Shot 2017-03-02 at 6.38.33 PM.png

Connected Educator

Class Twitter Chat Reflection

Our class had the opportunity to participate in a “live Twitter chat” this week. Our instructor facilitated the class discussion by posting questions and a few links for additional resources. The entire chat included the hashtag “#422edtech” within each tweet so everyone participating could view all posts regarding our class discussion.

I really enjoyed the Twitter chat because I loved how instant everything was. I liked how one question could spark so many different answers from people in a matter of seconds. While I didn’t have any trouble keeping up with our class chat, I could definitely see how it might be difficult to follow a large-scale chat. A nation-wide “ed-chat” with hundreds of participants, for example, might be overwhelming for me.

I definitely learned that quality of quantity is key! There were a few times when I went over my 140 character count and had to really chop down my answer. So that’s something that I’m going to have to keep in mind for future chats. After this exercise, I can see how beneficial Twitter live chats can be for educators. Being able to have easy access to a diverse range of professional knowledge, resources, and instant exchange of ideas and concepts makes Twitter for education a no-brainer. As a future educator, I can definitely see myself utilizing different Twitter chats to stay up to date on current classroom/teacher trends and for additional educational resources. 

Connecting with Classmates Through Social Media

Social networking is extremely beneficial for educators because it helps you stay connected with professionals and exchange new information and ideas. Sites such as LinkedIn, can also act as your informal resume for future employers and increase your number of professional contacts. This week I started following Janette, Edwin, Marleen, and Amy on Twitter and I also connected with them on LinkedIn. Additionally, I visited each of their blog sites and responded to the questions they had posed under their ISTE Standards blog post.

Janette’s Question: How do you score yourself in each of the five standards?

Edwin’s Question: What are some technology tolls you use or would use in your classrooms?

Marleen’s Question: Is there a standard some of you may have a difficult time with?

Amy’s Question: Will technology devolve teachers?

Connection to ISTE Standards

The activities in this assignment reflect the ISTE teaching standards. In my opinion, the standard most aligned with this assignment would be “Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership.” Connecting with colleagues through social media and participating in live chats, is a direct means of expanding our personal and professional tech skills and platforms.

Tech Tools Presentation

In today’s digital age, it’s important to stay on the cutting edge of new and emerging technologies…especially in the classroom! Teachers everywhere are integrating a variety of “tech tools” within their classes making education more effective, efficient, and dynamic. Not only does technology shape the way students learn, it’s teaching them advanced tech skills they can use outside the classroom. 

Our group decided to research 5 different tech tools used commonly by educators: Duolingo, Instagram, JoinMe, iPhone and Apps, and Google Classroom. We each chose our individual tools, conducted research and created our own slides for the whole presentation. Our group collaborated mainly using Google Slides, Google Forms, and group text messaging. It’s amazing how simple it was to be in a group project and create an entire presentation, with all members being miles apart. We were all able to work on our own schedule, in different locations, and on separate devices without any hassle. Through this assignment, we were able to research and discover 5 new tech tools, while simultaneously seeing the convenience and efficiency of a separate set of tech tools. You are invited to enjoy the following presentation on 5 unique tech tools used for learning!

Group 5’s Tech Tool Presentation 

I now invite you to complete this form for some additional feedback. Thank you!

ISTE Teacher Standards

What is ISTE?

ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) is a nonprofit organization that aims to change the way students learn through the utilization of different technologies.

ISTE Mission Statement:

“As the creator and steward of the definitive education technology standards, our mission is to empower learners to flourish in a connected world by cultivating a passionate professional learning community, linking educators and partners, leveraging knowledge and expertise, advocating for strategic policies, and continually improving learning and teaching.”

What are the ISTE teacher standards?

…how would I rate my skills/knowledge of each?


1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

Educators are responsible for developing and modeling creative and innovative lessons for their students within the real world and the virtual world. The goal is to create an open, collaborative, problem-solving environment that allows students to reach their highest potential of understanding and utilization of creative processes


2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments 

After evaluating each student’s unique learning habits and styles, provide the necessary and appropriate digital tools to best facilitate their learning. Incorporate a variety of technologies to spark creativity and allow students to take charge of their own success.


3. Model digital age work and learning

Educators must be prepared and well-versed in the technological platforms, systems, and processes they choose to use and teach. Reach out to fellow colleagues, students, parents, and community members for additional resources and support. Be able to successfully model the use of digital tools and stay up to date with current and emerging technologies


4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility

Teachers must demonstrate professional online behaviors and appropriate online etiquette to their students. The goal is for students to fully understand the “dos and don’ts” of living in a fast-paced digital age. Educate students on proper citations and copyright laws. In addition, make sure there is an equal opportunity for ALL students to access the technology. 


5. Engage in professional growth and leadership

Teachers must continue to improve their current skills and stay on the cutting edge of new technologies. Participate in related community events and demonstrate leadership capabilities in terms of technology. Show students and peers how technology is revolutionizing education to increase learning and promote new forms of creativity (now and in years to come).



As a future educator, what tech tools do you plan on utilizing most in your classroom? How do you think the use of technology will benefit your students?




…Thanks for reading!